Washington State Legislature Climate Action, 2023/24 Session
The Washington State Legislature Climate Action, 2023/24 Session report succeeds
the 2021/22 report. After taking Professor Dolšak's undergraduate course on Climate Governance (ENVIR/SMEA 201) at the University of Washington
in Spring 2024, a number of students volunteered to join the project and co-author this report.
This project involved identifying bills that passeed the Washington State Legislature pertaining to climate mitigation or adaptation. Then, there was a careful
analysis of how each legislator voted on these bills. This analysis produced voting scores for each legislator in each of the Washington 49 legislative districs. At the same time,
other members of the team assessed heat wave risks in each legislative district using the data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The presented values demonstrate
the expected annual loss due to heat waves. Our goal was to clearly present information to everyone who is concerned about climate change and climate action in
Washington Legislature. The report and ArcGIS storymap can be accessed below.